is dedicated to providing low cost, optimized primer sets for researchers utilizing quantitative real time PCR. When used with high quality template and other reagents, our products have been designed and optimized to produce clean PCR products.

As SYBR green-based real time PCR assays continue to be reliable and the most cost-effective approach to measuring gene expression, we aim to provide inexpensive primer sets to maximize the number of targets that may be analyzed by our customers. This is a critical aspect as increasing numbers of researchers are using real time PCR to validate microarray results.

Phone: (855) PRIMERS or (215) 964-3274

FAX: (215) 689-3768


Real Time Primers, LLC
7304 Mountain Ave
Elkins Park, PA 19027

If ordering by P.O., please send an E-mail to containing the P.O.#, shipping address and billing address. Please provide a phone number for delivery purposes.